I'm afraid I am still talking about my cold, but I would like to introduce my favorite drink for cold, Ginger Honey drink. Ginger Honey Drink is very simple, all you need to prepare is grated ginger, honey and hot water. And mix them together. When you drink Ginger Honey, I bet you will be very happy!
Yuki : Feels good. Her temparture is getting higher.
Nyankichi-Sensei : Feels like all his pores are open.
Frog : Feels too spicy. Put too much ginger.
I reccomend you to take ginger honey drink when you catch a cold! Amasake with ginger is also awesome!
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yoshinori okamoto (Friday, 04 November 2011 10:53)
yamagatayuki (Saturday, 05 November 2011 01:14)